Resource Data Table

ESG Data Summary

ESG Data Summary Data Table
Metric 2021¹ 2022 2023 Goal (IF APPLICABLE)
Our Company Total assets (in millions) $174,064 $182,906 $189,368
Total loans and leases (in millions) $111,267 $119,523 $121,982
Total deposits (in millions) $143,263 $147,914 $151,230
Total equity (in millions) $19,318 $17,769 $19,398
Total revenue (in millions) $6,016 $7,285 $7,402
Net income (in millions) $1,295 $2,238 $1,951
EPS $0.90 $1.45 $1.24
Total FTE colleagues 18,442 19,920 19,955
Branches 1,092 1,032 999
ATMs 1,322 1,675 1,629
Economic Value of microfinance originations and renewals $1,584,541,043² $853,937,925 $754,492,031
Total community investment (in billions) $7.6 $12 $7.7 Five-year, $40 billion community investment (2021-2026)
Community development loans (in millions) $1,900 $1,987 $796
Community development investments (in millions) $924 $957 $730
Closing costs waived for buyers in low-to-moderate income regions $19,045,510 $12,076,729 $9,673,644
Huntington colleague volunteer hours 28,520 36,044 35,992
Financial wellness training hours provided to the community 2,441 4,839 6,276
Community Reinvestment Act-qualified financial contributions $10,222,953 $15,294,350 $18,602,903
Environmental Scope 1 emissions location-based (MT CO₂e) 12,328 17,895 16,331
Scope 2 emissions location-based (MT CO₂e) 47,838 54,345 50,793
Scope 3 emissions (MT CO₂e) 1,992,310 1,857,162 1,798,928
Greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 & Scope 2 location-based) reduction n/a n/a n/a 35% reduction by 2030, compared with a 2022 baseline
Greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 2 location-based) reduction n/a n/a n/a 50% reduction by 2035, compared with a 2022 baseline
Building energy consumption (MWh) 168,417 202,709 186,560
On-site solar generation (MWh) 1% of electricity usage 1% of electricity usage 1% of electricity usage 50% of electricity usage by 2035
Average ENERGY STAR score 69.09 65.81 67.89
ENERGY STAR certified buildings 80 151 251
Average site energy use intensity (kBtu/ft²) 82.62 92.47 80.50
Average source energy use intensity (kBtu/ft²) 171.90 185.36 165.61
Water consumption (gallons) 122,195,984 129,462,000 127,687,000
Water consumption reduction n/a n/a 1% reduction 15% reduction by 2030, compared with a 2022 baseline
Landfill waste reduction n/a n/a 5% increase 25% reduction by 2030, compared with a 2022 baseline
Social Workforce Data
Total workforce gender and/or racial/ethnic diversity 68% 68% 67%
Total workforce - racially/ethnically diverse³ 23% 25% 25%
Total workforce - white female 45% 43% 42%
Total workforce - white male 32% 32% 33%
Middle and executive management gender and/or racial/ethnic diversity 45% 47% 48% 50% by 2025
Average base pay for racially diverse colleagues with the same job titles as non-racially diverse colleagues 99% 101% 102%
Average base pay for women colleagues with the same job titles as men 99% 99% 99%
Supplier Diversity
Total spend with diverse suppliers (in millions) $272.8 $239.1 $182.3
Diversity spend as percentage of total spend 21% 22% 19% 18% annually
Number of diverse suppliers 226 236 206
Engagement, Development, Retention, and Attraction
Engagement survey - Engagement slightly below 75ᵗʰ percentile slightly below 75ᵗʰ percentile slightly below 75ᵗʰ percentile
Engagement survey - Culture above 75ᵗʰ percentile above 75ᵗʰ percentile above 75ᵗʰ percentile
Engagement survey - Trust above 75ᵗʰ percentile above 90ᵗʰ percentile above 75ᵗʰ percentile
Number of colleagues participating in enterprise-wide talent development programs 1,139 277 555
Total learning hours 611,949 698,807 577,811
Average learning hours per colleague 33 34 29
Executive leaders with “ready now” successors 61% 64% 60%
Leadership roles filled with internal candidates 100% 28% 49%
Voluntary turnover rate 90% 89% 89%
90-day external hire retention 90% 89% 89%
Governance Board gender diversity 33% 27% 31%⁴
Board racial/ethnic diversity 27% 27% 25%⁴
Board gender and/or racial/ethnic diversity 47% 47% 56%⁴
Hours of ethics training completed by colleagues 14,047 16,090 16,241

1 Does not reflect a typical reporting year due to TCF acquisition.

2 Includes Paycheck Protection Program loans.

3 Racially/ethnically diverse means Asian, Black, Hispanic or Latino, American Indian or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, or two or more races. This data is based upon Huntington’s U.S. colleagues’ voluntary self-identification of race/ethnicity based on EEO-1 definitions.

4 Data as of June 30, 2024.