Credit Ratings

On November 17, 2023, DBRS Morningstar confirmed The Huntington National Bank's rating at A (high) and outlook remains stable.

On October 10, 2023, Fitch affirmed The Huntington National Bank's rating at A- and outlook remains stable.

On August 7, 2023, Moody's affirmed The Huntington National Bank's rating at A3 and outlook was revised to negative.

On April 24, 2023, S&P affirmed The Huntington National Bank's rating at A- and outlook remains stable.

The Huntington National Bank (HNB)

The Huntington National Bank (HNB)

Senior Unsecured Notes Long Term Deposit (HNB) Short Term Deposit (HNB) Outlook
DBRS1 A (high) A (high) R-1 (middle) Stable
Fitch2 A- A F1 Stable
Moody's3 A3 A1 P-1 Negative
S&P4 A- NR NR Stable

Huntington Bancshares Incorporated (HBI)

Huntington Bancshares Incorporated (HBI)

Senior Unsecured Notes Subordinated Notes (HBI) Commercial Paper (HBI) Outlook
DBRS1 A A (low) R-1 (low) Stable
Fitch2 A- BBB+ F1 Stable
Moody's3 Baa1 Baa1 NR Negative
S&P4 BBB+ BBB NR Stable

1 DBRS, Inc., New York, New York
2 Fitch Ratings, New York, New York
3 Moody's Investors Service, New York, New York
4 Standard & Poor's Corporation, New York, New York
NR Not Rated